I got to my friends’ house tonight to hang out for Thanksgiving, and one of the first things they mentioned was “Nox’s Boxes”. Yes, my care packages from Mom arrived 🙂 I was expecting most of it, but I was really, really touched by the little things she included. She sent some of our traditional Christmas decorations, and The Polar Express book that we read every Christmas Eve… She sent our Christmas stockings! Intriguingly stuffed… — even one for Hooligan! I almost cried… Thanks Mom 🙂 🙂 🙂
A Little Math
I bought beef yesterday. I wanted to make beef stew and chili, so I needed beef. 340 grams of ground beef cost me 12,000W, and the beef stew meat was on sale for 3,480W per 100 grams. In Imperial? I spent about 12 bucks on 3/4 a pound of hamburger, and the stew meat was on sale for about $15 per pound. Yeah…
Yay Chocolate Chip Cookies!
As soon as we got our oven, Haley wanted to make chocolate chip cookies. We didn’t actually get around to it until the next weekend, but when we did, the cookies tasted great. Alas, they were only about a millimeter thick, but they were very yummy :-/ So I figured I needed to adjust my recipe; maybe add more flour so it wouldn’t spread out so much in the oven. This has happened to me before, though never to such an extreme. I make good oatmeal cookies, but I’ve never made a batch of chocolate chip cookies I was proud of… Meanwhile, I happened across a chocolate chip cookie recipe online that claimed to be for Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies, written by the folks who made my favorite cookbook (thanks Grandma!). Naturally, I had to try it! Holy moly, I’ve finally made thick, chewy, delicious cookies!!!
The recipe only makes about 20 cookies, so I’ll need to make another batch (or two…) so I can bring some cookies to school to share with all the people who helped me get my oven 🙂 🙂 🙂 Meanwhile, I suggest you click on the Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies and give them a try yourself 🙂
Mushroom Soup
Today I found mushroom soup in the store. This is a big deal, because Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom soup was at the top of my “American Products” wishlist. However, one of my co-workers told me that a local convenience store had Campbells, and another mentioned, “Don’t waste too much money — they have packages of mushroom soup mix here that are pretty good.” So I went to the convenience store armed with my iPod, and played pictionary/charades with the sales clerk. Drawing with my fat finger on an iPod touch is not an exercise in precision, but it’s a lot better than nothing!
Saturday we’re walking to school at 6am to hop on a bus to Haley’s soccer tournament. After she plays soccer all day, we’re going to hop in Ivy’s car (she’s driving rather than riding in the bus) and we’re driving up to Seoul for the rest of our 3 day weekend 🙂 So I’ll be able to pick up my garb etc that is cluttering up some nice person’s house and meet the SCA people I’ve been corresponding with.
Hopefully while we’re up there I can find a cell phone company that is used to dealing with foreigners so I can arrange to get an iPhone 5 when they come out!
Meanwhile, I have to do this weekend’s lesson planning tonight and tomorrow, since I won’t be around to do it this weekend…
Holy expensive soccer gear, Batman!
Haley will be going to play in a soccer tournament this weekend, so it was immediately necessary to purchase soccer gear for her. Although we were told that this particular event the kids would not be wearing cleats (artificial turf), she will probably need them for the next game. And no shinguards = no game for Haley, so off we went to purchase a soccer kit. Any US soccer fans out there are smiling and nodding at this point, but the rest of you may be confused. Every fall in the US marks a nice sale in the sporting goods stores: for $30 – $40 you get a package deal on soccer cleats, shin guards, and a ball. Not super high quality, but the kids outgrow the cleats *long* before they wear out anyhow…
Fast forward to Korea… No soccer kits. You have to buy everything separately. The cleats look the same, but the shinguards are these little plastic things you shove down your socks. No elastic, no ankle protection, and they only cover about half of a tall kid’s shin… We headed down to eMart to check out the soccer gear there. The shinguards were the same dinky little things, but at least they had cleats in her size (9 – Mens!) The cheapest pair of cleats? $59 (this is the *sale* price!). So I order some american-style shinguards online. Together with a soccer ball, they cost $24. They came in two colors, black and white. My school secretary was helping me order, and she was very surprised when I ordered the black ones. “But Haley is girl!” “Yes, but she’s playing *soccer*! White gets too dirty and ugly. Black is better. Also, they will match her shoes.” This last argument was probably the most potent for her… Though she probably thinks we’re crazy for buying black shoes for a girl…
In case you were wondering, this is why I can’t keep my floors clean…
Culture Shock
Momentous Weekend
On Thursday my new (to me!) oven was delivered 🙂 Then the lady from the gas company arrived to hook it up on Saturday. Alas, they apparently don’t have y connectors here, so I can’t have my new stove/oven and my old range top hooked up to the gas at the same time :p So the gas lady cut off the old range top’s gas line and then attached the hose for my stove/oven. It’s a pretty nice stove. 4 burners, a (tiny!) oven and even a broiler. It looks like I can select whether I want the flame above or below the food in the broiler. Neat!
Oven & Power Outage
Yay, we got our oven! Today after school the delivery guys got the extra stove+oven from the basement of the school and brought it to my apartment. Yay, now I have an oven. Hopefully the gas company can send someone over tomorrow so I can have a *working* oven *grin*. Anyhow, when we got to my place, the power was out. I wasn’t able to find out why until the power came back on so I could look it up on the internet. I did bump into one of my students outside (woohoo, someone who speaks English!!!) and he told me that he was on the phone and he had friends in Seoul who were also without power. I couldn’t imagine what could cause the power to go out across a whole country! Part of the problem is that I forget that Korea is more the size of Kentucky or Indiana, and states in the US have been known to have a statewide power outage.
Apparently, several Korean power plants thought the hot summer weather was over, so they shut down for some maintenance before needing to supply power for winter weather. Unfortunately, the temps came back up; it was 85˚ (30˚ C) all night in my apartment, and it got hotter during the day. So lots of air conditioners got used and the national power level dropped so low they had to cut off power to certain areas. Now it’s back up, but there’s no guarantee the power will stay on — they might have to cut it off again to avoid a national shutdown.
Happily our stove is gas, so we’d be able to cook. Unfortunately, our fridge won’t do so well. Alas, I don’t have large quantities of ice, nor do I know where to buy ice locally. So for the sake of my groceries (and my internet connection) I hope the power stays on 🙂
Praying Mantis
Today we found a praying mantis hanging onto the bars outside Haley’s window. I guess he must have climbed up. Haley didn’t want him hanging out outside her window all night, so I caught him to release him back down on the ground. Well, that was the plan! I caught him, but underestimated how amazingly fast praying mantises can sprint! So he got away, and crawled under Haley’s bed. Oh yeah. If outside her window is bad, releasing him under her bed earns me “Worst Mom of the Year Award”. So I picked up her mattress and eventually found and caught him. This time I covered up the glass with a piece of paper since he can climb the unclimbable! We took a photo and a movie, so you could see him too, and then released him downstairs.