We left Victoria at about 9am and drove all of 17 kilometers to Goldstream Provincial Park. We stopped at a grocery store on the way. I might have to move here — they had my favorite cheese that I used to eat in France. I haven’t gotten to eat it for 7 years, so I was pretty excited to see the gouda with cumin. They also have chocolate milk in these tremendously cute 1 liter jugs. It’s a good thing we don’t have them back home, or we’d drink way too much!
When we got to the campground, people hadn’t finished checking out, so we went hiking while we waited for our campsite. We hiked along the river, up a hill, and then down a crazy set of stairs to get to the waterfall. Here are some photos:
The beautiful river:
Here’s a photo of the crazy stairs. You can only see part of the stairs in this shot — if you look closely, you can see another chunk over Haley’s shoulder, and they keep on going! Down was bad enough…
Once we got to the bottom, it was worth it. The waterfall really was beautiful.
Naturally, we took photos of each other before we crawled back up the stairs:
On the way back, we got to meet our first Goth banana slug.
The Goldstream campground has two presentations every day, at 2:30 and at 7:30. Haley got to go up to the stage during the 2:30 Parkopoly game.