New Bike Rack

So my new bike rack arrived today. Yay! It’s hinged so that it arrived in a fairly small box. Even after I took it out, Haley kept saying, “It looks so small. I don’t think it’s going to work.” But then I started unfolding it and she said, “Oh wow, it’s big!”

Anyhow, as you can see, it fits perfectly on my car 🙂 The bottom feet are resting (lightly) on the bumper. I can open the hatchback while it’s on, though it’s a bit heavier.

This bike rack isn’t officially recommended for the Prius, although you see it on Priuses all the time. Here’s why: Everything is perfect except that the metal buckle part of the strap just happens to be in the worst possible spot — right at the bend over the spoiler. So left to its own devices the metal buckle will etch through the paint. But a little bit of shelf liner stuck under the trouble spot (while not hugely attractive) should take care of that problem 🙂

Here’s my bike on the rack. I can hulk the hatchback open, but it’s a pain in the butt.

Here are both of our bikes, nose to tail.

As you can see, neither bike is actually touching the car 🙂

And I can even park my car in the garage with whole inches to spare!

But wait, you say, back up a minute… That’s not Haley’s bike! Alas, Haley’s bike won’t even come close to fitting on a bike rack. Also if we’re going to be going up any hills she’s going to need some gears. So we went on down to our local used bike shop. This bike was a little dusty, a little used, a little ugly, but it is in good mechanical shape. Then we looked at the price tag. For $20 it’s fantastic 🙂 🙂 🙂

It’s a little big for her. She has a little trouble starting and stopping, but on the plus side her knees aren’t fully extended when she’s pedaling. Plus she’s growing really fast right now — another inch or two and it won’t matter 🙂 I figure we can spend some real money on a better bike when she’s done growing, but this should do her until she’s my height 🙂

Letter to the President

Dear President Obama,

I was terribly disappointed to see your administration’s response to the question of Gay Marriage. Comparing homosexuality to incest? Wow. What an incredibly shitty and ironic attitude towards this civil rights issue.

As a country, we constantly struggle with civil rights issues. It is a measure of how far we have come that you are president at all. Sixty years ago it would have been inconceivable that a black man should become president. Black people were second class citizens. They were not awarded the full measure of rights that white people possessed. (Hmm, sound familiar?)

Many people felt that this was unfair. They spoke out and marched in protests. Not all of those people were black. The civil rights movement would never have succeeded if all the white people had been content with the status quo. It required popular support — many people of varied colors standing up and saying, “This is not right.”

I’m not black. I’m day-glow, fish-belly white. It’s no skin off my nose if black people are oppressed. And yet, had I been alive back then, I would have proudly marched beside your ancestors. Not because I would have personally benefited, but because it would have been the right thing to do.

Of course, it would have been fairly easy for me to make such a gesture. After all, I am clearly not black. It’s a lot easier to be a supporter of an oppressed group than to be mistaken for a member of that group.

Fast forward to the civil rights issue of our time. It’s a lot harder to be a supporter of homosexuals. After all, it’s not like you can tell who’s gay or not just by looking. And so it’s easy to dismiss support for gay marriage as being “a bunch of queers”. Unlike white supporters of the black civil rights movement, straight supporters of the gay civil rights movement are not obvious. Many feel the need to declare themselves. Sometimes I wonder whether they are thinking, “They need to know that not all supporters are gay.” or “They need to know that I’m not gay.” Is that your problem? Gee Barrack, don’t worry. With your lovely wife and two kids, you’re probably not going to be mistaken for a homo.

So what is the basis of many of these objections to gay marriage? I think it would be difficult to argue that most of the criticisms are religious in nature. However, I was taught in high school civics that in America we have a separation of church and state. Because marriage is a legal status that confers many rights and responsibilities, it seems ludicrous that religion could dictate who receives that legal status.

Some people argue that “marriage” is a religious term, and that gay people should be granted civil unions. Fine. I think it’s rather petty, but as long as you guys are willing to spend time doing a “search/replace” on all the legal documents in the United States that mention marriage, and replace the word “marriage” with “civil union” I guess it really doesn’t matter.

But you’re not offering to do that, are you? Basically whenever civil unions are mentioned, they seem to be second class marriages. Good enough for them homos, but not as good as a *real* marriage, for real people.

I recognize that supporting gay marriage would not be a popular move with much of your constituency. After all, you ran on a platform that included your faith. But faith can be an evolving thing. Unless you’re following the bible strictly in your life (when were you planning on selling your daughters?) it seems hypocritical to pick and choose which pieces of bigotry you’re going to follow in your own life. You need to balance your presidential popularity contest with doing the right thing.

So Barrack, I guess I’m asking you to grow a pair. In the name of all the white people who stood up for what was right so that you could eventually become president, why don’t you stand up for what’s right, even though your marriage is already legally sanctioned?

Meg Claypool

My Garden

Thanks in large part to Mom’s motivation, my garden is looking pretty good right now 🙂 My herb box is looking great!

The spindly plant is basil — it’s actually pretty healthy, it just doesn’t grow as fast as mint!

The jasmine Mom gave me is doing great. I’m not sure what time of year jasmine blooms, but I’m hoping to find out!

I have a fun volunteer sharing my jasmine’s pot — this fern is a colonist from a neighboring pot 🙂 I figure the chances of it choking out the jasmine are pretty nil, so it’s more than welcome to grow there 🙂

The Venus Fly Trap we bought is doing amazingly well given how picky a plant it is! (No tap water allowed – rain water or distilled water only!)

And behind the Venus Fly trap you can see a visitor to our garden!

Welcome to Summer

The title should be read with both sarcasm and desperate relief, in approximately equal proportions. The school year is over, the students have all graduated (or not) and I get to forget about teaching for at least a month. Yay! But I was pretty exhausted by the end of it. Between teaching duties (had to chaperone the graduation dance till 11 on Thursday!) and my own stupidity (opened a new book at 8pm one night!) I didn’t get much sleep last week. Pretty much kicked my immune system in the teeth, so now I’ve come down with a cold.

So Friday I finished tidying up my classroom for the summer, then went to a staff party and then a family friend’s graduation party, and then packed for an SCA event. Got up before 6 on my first day of summer vacation in order to hitch a lift up to the event with one of my friends 🙂

It was a good event — we had at least 30 fighters there, so there was lots of fighting. But I was pretty tired. You think I was a lame soccer player? We foolishly armored up on time, and then ended up waiting around for a hour for the rest of the fighters. So I stretched out in full armor and took a nap. Didn’t even take my helmet off — just laid my shield across my face grill to keep off the sun 🙂 When the fighting started it was good fun, though carrying a sword and shield in a war pretty much means a lot of standing around trying not to be killed by enemy pikes while the pikes on your side are hiding behind your shield trying to kill the enemy shield wall. One of these days I’m going to fight with a Dane ax or something crazy 🙂

I paid $10 to get my face painted with henna — no school on Monday (though that probably wouldn’t have stopped me anyhow!) I hung out and chit chatted and then dozed in my chair, until I had to admit it was time to head for bed. At 8. Yup, I’m a wild party animal. But just as well as the friend who gave us a ride was up at 5:30 and wanted to head back home ASAP.

So we got home and Haley keeps complaining that her head itches. Nothing new — she has terrible dandruff. But I look at her hair for lice, just to keep her happy. Nope, no nits. And then A. Bug. Runs. Across. Her. Head. AAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHH! So I calmly collect it and put in in a plastic baggie. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe this is just some other bug running across her head. After all, we were just camping. The next day we go to the lice clinic. She’s not finding any nits either, but when I show her the critter in the baggie, she confirms my dire suspicions. She finally finds one nit, and sends us home with some lice treatment and combs.

Acu-Life Lice Cure. If you’ve got to have lice, this is definitely the way to treat it. No pesticides, just essential oils. Tea tree oil is the biggie, along with ylang ylang, eucalyptus, and citronella. So, following instructions, I gloob that all over her scalp and then finish up with coconut oil (since there wasn’t enough in the bottle) to help smother any bugs in the length of her hair. Oh. My. God. On the one hand, proof positive that this stuff WORKS. On the other, there were a hell of a lot of secret ninja lice in her hair. Who knew that all that time I spent picking fleas off the Grandparents’ dogs was in fact training me for parenthood? I must have found and crushed at least 7 (apparently dead and much easier to find) lice. Ugh. And the oil made the nits a lot easier to see too. So we let that sit in her hair for a while (theoretically 15 minutes but really more like an hour). Then we rinsed it off, slathered her hair with conditioner, and rinsed again. Then I combed her hair with a lice comb. And it wasn’t a big deal!!! No, really, all that oil super-conditioned her hair, so it was pretty easy to comb. Nothing like last time! And we got a bunch more lice :p I can see a bunch of nits that I didn’t get — I’ll need to comb again tomorrow, but we’d had all we could take for one day.

So now she’s asleep in her freshly laundered bed, and the pile of laundry to do just keeps growing. On the plus side, I slathered my own hair with a mix of coconut oil and tea tree oil and let it sit for a couple of hours and then combed through it with a lice comb. Nothing. Thank Goodness! I could be missing some nits, but I’m pretty sure it would have found any lice. I hennaed my hair last week, which probably helped — a bunch of extremely pungent and sticky goop in my hair overnight may have discouraged any infestation.

Haley wants to know what she’s supposed to do while all of her toys are in plastic bag quarantine — I know, let’s go visit my parents!

Rock Garden

So when Mom came up to celebrate Haley’s birthday, we ended up doing a bunch of gardening. I planted an herb garden and repotted a bunch of plants. She went out front to weed the “flower bed” (actually occupied by several bushes). As she was digging, she found a bunch of neat rocks, so she kept digging. She ended up digging up an enormous pile of cool rocks — obviously someone’s rock garden that had been eaten by the flower bed. So then we had to clean up all the rocks, flatten the bed, and put them back. It ended up being a *huge* project — much bigger than just weeding the bed, but it’s very neat now that it’s done.

This is the same flower bed you saw in the background of Haley’s green hair photo.

A bug’s eye view of the neato rocks.

This is my favorite shot – you can see how many neat rocks and shells there are in just one little section of the rock garden 🙂

Haley’s Birthday Celebrations

Well, we’re more or less done with Haley’s birthday celebrations. The weekend before her actual birthday, she had a slumber party.

The girls all painted their fingernails.

I’ve wanted to buy trick candles for Haley for years!

Then on her actual birthday, we colored her hair green (her choice) and she got to have cupcakes for her class. Here she’s showing off her fancy hair and nails. (Note the flower bed behind her — there’ll be a quiz later!)

The next weekend Mom came up to celebrate with us!

She brought a really yummy cake from Vellutini’s.

Then we had Haley’s celebration with Dad and Judy. Naturally I forgot to bring our joint present, but we’ll have a grand opening via video chat so they can watch her open her present 🙂

Happy Easter

Well, another Easter has occurred chez Claypool. Haley left out carrots and a note for the Easter Bunny. I explained that he probably wouldn’t be able to reply, since using a pen is hard if you don’t have any thumbs. But he read her note and ate the carrots 🙂

This year the Easter Bunny hid Haley’s basket — when she finally found it she was pretty excited about all the CANDY inside.

The Easter Bunny also did a better job of hiding the eggs this year — mostly inside, but a few on the back porch. Note to Easter Bunny: slugs like Easter eggs too.


Haley got her braces today. It was pretty cool, though probably a lot more interesting from my point of view than from hers… A nice assistant was in charge of Haley on this visit.

First she pulled Haley’s lips away from her teeth to help keep them dry.

Then she glued the little brackets onto her teeth, one at a time.

Once the brackets were all in place, she used a cool blue light to harden the glue.

Once that was done, she freed Haley’s lips. Yay! Then she laid a wire over the brackets, and hooked neat colored rubber bands over each one, holding the wire in place.

Here is the final result!

Haley picked heart shaped brackets for her two front teeth, and pink and red bands, so she’s in good shape for Valentine’s Day. Every time she goes in for a checkup, she’ll have the opportunity to pick different colors of bands, so she can get a new look every couple of months 🙂


What is the phrase again? Maybe “glutton for punishment”, Although “sucker” is nicely succinct. Yes, I’ve signed Haley up for another sport. Goodbye Saturday morning sleep-ins…

Actually, basketball isn’t too bad so far. Of course it hasn’t started yet, but still… You see, we’re early. The only practices are 1/2 an hour before the games (which is astonishingly low key). Anyhow, I assumed that meant we were to show up 1/2 an hour early for our game time, and then the kids would practice. Nope, the given time is actually the time they want us there (astonishingly practical!) So we’re early. If this were an 8am game, I’d be a bit resentful over the mixup, but since it’s 2pm, I find myself sitting in the sunshine, taking the time to blog a bit. Yeah, I think our earliest game is going to be at 11 🙂

Also, as everyone knows, basketball is an indoor sport. The benefits of not having to sit in the drizzle to watch her games cannot be understated. Of course, gyms are noisier, but nothing’s perfect 🙂

For years, Haley hoped that her soccer uniform would be purple. And for years it has been a wide variety of colors, none of them purple. Yellow, lime green, grey… Naturally, her first basketball team is purple 🙂

Her coach teaches 7th grade history at my school. His wife coached one of the opposing soccer teams this year. It’ll be good having him as Haley’s coach; teachers tend to make pretty good coaches, since they already have so much experience dealing with & directing kids.

The kids are practicing now — more info and photos to come when the game starts.


Well, Haley’s team won. Haley didn’t “score any goals” but she did shoot once, and was able to make a couple of blocks when her team was defending. Luckily it looks like the kids get a lot of exercise — the court is a lot smaller than a soccer field, but they’re running the whole time 🙂

Coming Home

It’s always nice coming home. The view of Crescent City was particularly beautiful this time. The sun had set, but the glow of the sunset lingered.

It was so beautiful Haley wanted her photo taken!

…back in 5 minutes.