The longest 2 miles of my life

Aka, the Hoyt Arboretum

Our last day in Portland was to be somewhat truncated. We had to pick Mom up at the airport a bit after 3, and then ferry her to the Grandparents’. So I planned an activity that we could do for an hour or two and then be glad to be done — hiking.

After a visit to the local Apple store (new power supply – $79.99; lusting after all the new equipment – free) we checked out of the hostel and headed over to the Hoyt Arboretum.

So Haley and I planned our hike. We would follow a 2 mile trail (theoretically a 1 hour hike) and then go pick up Mom at the airport.

So we followed the trail. When we ended up back at the visitor center in 10 minutes, we looked at the map again and then walked along the right trail. And walked. And walked. There was lots of neat scenery. Like this awesome cherry tree:

Did you know there’s an archery range in the arboretum? And lots of houses back up the the arboretum — very nice to have the cool shade and birdcalls behind your house 🙂 But we kept walking and walking. The trail didn’t seem to have much to do with the map in our hands, nor did the maps posted beside the trail. But eventually we staggered back to the visitor center. We spent a few minutes doing our best to suck the water fountains dry and then dousing our hair with water. When we got back to the car we found out it was 97Ëš. Ouch.

Portland, Day 2

The best laid plans… So we wandered over to Lloyd Center, as planned. We arrived just at 10, when the public skating was beginning. Haley was really excited to go ice skating! I figured that I had a book in my backpack, so if I got bored I could entertain myself for a bit before we headed over to the water park.

In theory, we were going to hang out for a couple of hours. But when I suggested going to the water park, Haley begged to keep skating instead. So we ended up hanging out at the skating rink for 6 hours. I wandered over to a bookstore and bought myself another book to read!

Here’s what Haley looked like most of the time:

I helped her get out to the middle, and threatened to leave her stranded there. She was almost amused…

It helped that she met some friends who would have rescued her 🙂

Finally the rink kicked us out, and we went to explore the pirate store next door. It was pretty cool 🙂

Finally, here’s a little video of our awesome hostel room. We have our own little nook and an in room bathroom!

Portland, Day 1

Well, it didn’t take us long to get off schedule. Yes, I’ve planned a detailed itinerary, and we’re already behind! I don’t regret a bit of it though. We left the grandparents’ around 10:30 and got to our hostel around 12:30. Our room wouldn’t be ready until 2, but we were able to park our car in their lot (YES!) and put our food away in the kitchen before we set out to explore.

We had to hurry to walk to where our walking tour was supposed to begin. We got there and found a whole crowd of people! Why, no, we hadn’t pre-booked over the internet… Luckily a couple of people didn’t show up, so we got to go anyhow 🙂

The Underground Tour of Portland is a walking tour that is only partly underground. But they talk about nefarious doings in Portland’s past for the entire 2 1/2 hour tour — thus the name. There really are some tunnels under the streets of Portland, dating back to when it was necessary to bring goods from the lower docks up to the warehouses. Apparently they didn’t have winches but they did have miners.

One of the places we got to visit was a Chinese apothocary. There were all kinds of herbs and such on the shelves.

Some of them had extremely bizarre contents!

It was a fun tour, and afterwards we had to revisit a couple of the places we’d walked past. First stop: VooDoo Doughnuts!

I ordered a Cock-N-Balls (triple creme filled) and Haley ordered their famous Bacon Maple Bar. We agreed to split a doughnut with chocolate and peanut butter on top. We took our delicious booty to Kell’s Irish Pub.

They have lots of money on their ceiling — once a year they scrape it off and donate it to charity 🙂

Haley ordered a root beer and I ordered a pint of cider. Yes indeed, we totally blew our dinner money on doughnuts and beer 🙂

Haley decided she liked the bacon maple bar!

Finally we took a street car over to Powell’s Bookstore and spent lots of money on books 🙂 The bookstore takes up an entire city block! They have to color code the areas so you can navigate the building!

At last we staggered back to the hostel, finished our doughnuts, and had some fruit to fill in the cracks. We did not make it to Lloyd’s Center to go ice skating — I guess we’ll have to do that tomorrow, before we head over to the water park 🙂

The Great Haircut

So we finally did it. Haley and I cut our hair. Not a little. No, no. These were massive, extreme haircuts. We both had hair past our waist.

We had a few reasons for our cuts. We knew we’d be traveling up to Portland and Seattle, where it’s a lot warmer than Crescent City.

Also, if we were going to cut our hair, we wanted to cut off enough to donate to Locks for Love. (make that a weblink) That meant that we had to cut off a minimum of 10 inches, which would help to make a chin length wig. Obviously, the longer, the better.
Finally, we wanted to make sure that even with our radical new haircuts, we could still get the hair into a ponytail.

To donate hair, they want it to be in a ponytail or (even better) in a braid. So I pulled Haley’s hair into a ponytail (so I knew how long her hair *had* to be, and then put another ponytail holder in to make a braid below that. Then I just cut off the braid. Finally I took out her ponytail and evened up her haircut a bit.

I got Andrea to do the same thing to me:

Here’s the finished result:

Elephant Snot

I’ve found a great recipe for hair gel. It’s organic, really easy to make, and the ingredients are cheap 🙂 Well, the basic version is really cheap, and the ingredients for the enhanced version are cheap over time, though there’s an initial investment.

I call it elephant snot. This is due to the disgusting, egg white texture of the stuff. However, it looks fantastic on the hair 🙂

1 cup water
4 tbsp whole flax seeds
1 tbsp jojoba oil
1/4 tsp grapefruit seed extract
1/2 tsp vitamin e
1/2 tsp vegetable glycerine
essential oils


Put the flax seeds in a sieve and rinse them well in the sink using cold water.

Put flax seeds and water in a pot on the stove.

Bring to a boil and let boil for 10 – 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Pour goop into a sieve over a bowl. Stir to help the snot flow through the seive. Dump the seeds in the trash.

Add jojoba oil, grapefruit seed extract (preservative), vitamin e (preservative), glycerine, and essential oil (to desired scent). Stir lots, with a whisking motion. (Why, yes, I suppose an actual whisk could be used!)

Gloop the snot into some kind of a container. Because of the grapefruit seed extract and the vitamin e, it should not need to be refrigerated…

The consistency is like snot or egg white. Very gross. I’m somewhat concerned it will separate into its oil & water parts later. However, it’s ridiculously cheap, eco-friendly, and everyone says good stuff about it…

Lots of people use straight up flax seed gel with none of the extras. Flax seeds cost $1.75 *per pound* in bulk at the health food store, so it’s hard to beat the price…

Another Day in Paradise

Yup, still sunny. I admit that all this sunshine is distinctly weird.

Trader Joe’s strikes again. I bought 3 whites and 3 reds:

$2.99 chilean chard
$8.99 bogle chard
$4.99 vermentino

$6.99 perrin reserve
$4.99 celier du rhone
$5.99 trentatare

Andrea bought 2 bottles of champagne. We opened the cheaper of the two this evening. It wasn’t bad at all, but for $5, it wasn’t enough better than Andre to justify the extra money.

Then we played miniature golf. Hilarious. Andrea and I ended up with the same score: 70. On a course where par is 54, it is pretty clear that neither of us will be rivaling Tiger any time soon. That was the first time Haley had played mini golf — she wanted us to play another game as soon as we were done!

Melodrama Madness

So there’s a great live theatre group down here — the Melodrama. The Great American Melodrama and Vaudeville, that is. Sawdust on the floor, and tiny tables crammed close together. You can buy food and drinks and sit and watch the show in style.

Grandpa scored us some tickets, so we got to see the show. It was awesome! Gold Fever is about the antics of the residents of a mining town and some outsiders intent on swindling their gold. We bought slices of cake and a pitcher of margaritas. Alas, I was mostly on my own with the pitcher, so by the end of the evening I was *stuffed*. It wasn’t the alcohol that did me in, but the sheer quantity of food and drink I ended up consuming.

Afterwards there was a vaudeville revue wherein Snow White decided to become evil. So “bad guys” from all sorts of movies came and coached her in how to “switch sides”. Dr. Evil, Ursula the Sea Witch, Catwoman, Captain Hook, the Riddler… Naturally they were all singing. Haley loved it 🙂

Today’s Adventure

Haley got back from her slumber party yesterday, and apparently didn’t sleep at all (at least that’s what she claims). She says that even after the other girls went to bed at 3, they snored so loudly they kept her awake. Who knows, it could even be true. So I fed her (the party was pretty last minute, and apparently they didn’t have enough food in the house for all the guests) and let her hang out for a bit watching Ghostbusters. We made a deal that when the movie was over she would wash her hair (it was crazy tangled though I swear it was brushed and braided before she left the house!). She got in the shower and about five minutes later I heard the water turn off. But she didn’t get out… I went to go check on her and found her lying in the tub trying to sleep. So I got her up and washed her hair and dried her off and sent her to bed. She made me promise to wake her up for dinner, because she was still hungry. But come dinner time, she couldn’t be budged. She did wake up very briefly around midnight, but I explained that it was the middle of the night and that she needed to wait till morning to eat. I woke her up this morning at 8:30 and after 17 1/2 hours of sleep, she’s in a much better frame of mind!

After breakfast we hopped in the car and drove out to Jed Smith campground. I parked the car and hauled our bikes off the back. We spent about an hour riding our bikes around the campground. This is a good place for a kid to practice because there’s very little traffic and the few cars are moving slowly. She was very intimidated by her new bike (between buying it and our adventure she’d managed to talk herself into being quite scared of it) but by the end of our hour she was comfortable with using the brakes to slow down (as opposed to just stopping) and had even learned how to shift gears 🙂 She still has some trouble getting started because she’s a little short for her bike, but I think that’ll get easier as she gets more confident.

Next we drove down to our favorite swimming hole and she changed into her swimsuit and played in the river. There were several groups there with young children, so Haley had some kids to play with. I sat on a very comfy rock and read and snoozed and hid from the sun. I let her swim for an hour and a half and then dragged her back on to dry land.

Now she’s back in the tub and she’s been there a while… But I can hear her splashing and playing with her toys. At some point she needs to wash her hair…

Schroedinger’s Computer

So on Thursday, Haley was invited to a slumber party Friday night. Last minute invitation. She was allowed to go, on the condition that she got her room clean first, which she did (more or less). During the cleaning we discovered that she had 2 copies of a book in the Pixie Hollow series. A whole series about all the faeries that live with Tinker Bell in Never Never Land. Very much a preadolescent girl thing. Convenient discovery, right before a birthday party! But then on Friday we couldn’t find it! So we looked and looked. The last place I’d seen it was in my room when she brought it to me to show that she had 2 copies. So I looked everywhere. Haley was convinced it had gotten under my bed somehow. (That was where I eventually found my iPod!) I was more skeptical, but after we’d looked everywhere else in my room, I lifted up my mattress to check. My pillow tumbled down, my laptop slid a couple of feet, my water bottle tipped over (no big deal — it was closed). And boy howdy did I have a lot of junk under my bed! But no faery books! So we looked and we looked, and finally, we found both copies sitting on her bookshelf. Aargh.

So we wrapped the presents and I dropped her off at her friend’s house. I was a free woman! So before I settled down with my dinner of cheerios, ramen, and champagne I thought I’d surf the net a bit. But for some reason my laptop wasn’t working. The power light was on, but the screen was black. I tried pushing buttons and clicking the trackpad… I looked down at the power cord: yup, it’s plugged i– And that’s when I found it. The puddle. Oh, I thought blankly, that water bottle wasn’t closed after all. Oh. Shit. Because my computer was sitting, plugged in, in a puddle of water. I unplugged it and yanked the battery. Water *ran* out of my computer when I tipped it over. So now it’s sitting, drying out. Much like Schroedinger’s cat, until I plug it in I can still pretend that everything’s going to be ok.

The webpages tend to recommend letting it sit for 72 hours to (hopefully) dry out completely before trying to turn it on — I guess that means I can keep hoping till Monday night :p

…back in 5 minutes.