24 days of #JavaScriptmas 2020 ?

Here are my solutions to the 2020 JavaScriptmas challenge on Scrimba ?

Day 1: Candies

Day 2: Deposit Profit

Day 3: Chunky Monkey

Day 4: Century from Year

Day 5: Reverse a String

Day 6: Sort by Length

Day 7: Count Vowel Consonant

Day 8: The Rolling Dice

Day 9: Sum Odd Fibonacci Numbers

Day 10: Adjacent Elements Product

Day 11: Avoid Obstacles

Day 12: Valid Time

Day 13: Extract Each Kth

Day 14: Maximal Adjacent Distance

Day 15: Carousel

Day 16: Insert Dashes

Day 17: Different Symbols Naive

Day 18: Array Previous Less

Day 19: Alphabet Subsequence

Day 20: Domain Type

Day 21: Sum of Two

Day 22: Extract Matrix Column

Day 23: Social Media Input

Day 24: Spinner

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