Geoge Island

Today Haley and I took the subway halfway across town to meet up with the family of a couple of my students. They’re originally from Poland and have been here for seven years. They have a car, so are able to travel places that can’t be reached by public transit. We all piled in, including the dog, and drove forever to get to a place called Geoge Island, to the southeast of Busan.

The land around there has lots of waterways, so first we drive over a few bridges. However, instead of a bridge one section has a tunnel; a concrete tube lying on the floor of the bay. My photos didn’t turn out; one tunnel looks the same as another :p

The big attraction of the island was walking the dog on the beach; it’s deserted enough to let him off the leash for a while.

Korean beaches aren’t very warm in February though, so we didn’t stay more than an hour. Then we went out to lunch at some all-you-can-eat place where you pick out raw meat from a buffet and bring it back to the table to fry there. It was pretty good; Haley and I both ate a lot of meat πŸ™‚ Then back to town, where they showed me some good places to shop, including the “secret” bakers supply stores πŸ™‚ After parting from them, we hopped onto the subway to get as close to Costco as we could before taking a taxi the rest of the way. Hundreds of dollars later, we took a taxi home and put away our groceries. Dinner tonight? Brie and donuts! Super healthy πŸ™‚

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