This weekend I made deviled eggs and strawberry pie. The deviled eggs turned out great. I used lemon juice instead of the vinegar and I like it so well I think I’ll use lemon juice from now on. Here’s the original recipe:
Deviled Eggs
Servings: 12
6 eggs
1/4 cup mayonnaise (1.8 oz, 51 g)
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon yellow mustard (.07 oz, 2 g)
1/8 teaspoon salt
Put eggs into a pot of cold water and bring to a boil. Let boil for one minute, then cover tightly, remove from heat, and let sit for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, use cold water to chill the eggs as quickly as possible, to avoid a green ring.
Halve hard-cooked eggs lengthwise; remove yolks and mash. Use back of spoon to completely pulverize chunks. Add mayo, mustard, salt, and vinegar and mix. Hand mixer may be necessary for double batch. Refill whites with yolk mixture; sprinkle paprika on top to taste.
Hint: if you’re taking your deviled eggs to a potluck, put the filling into a Ziploc bag. When you get there, cut the corner off of the bag and use it to pipe the filling into the eggs (like frosting).
Source: Better Homes & Gardens; alterations by Marilynn and Meg Claypool.
My strawberry pie was less successful. The crust turned out great, but the filling was not so excellent. My crust recipe is here:
It’s by another of those fantastic “cooking as science” not just art chefs I love. He has an article about why the crust works the way it does here:
I think I may have mentioned this recipe before, but it’s so awesome that it bears repeating 🙂
Now I have to go score about a million midterm exams in time to turn in grades in two days :p