Yay Chocolate Chip Cookies!

As soon as we got our oven, Haley wanted to make chocolate chip cookies. We didn’t actually get around to it until the next weekend, but when we did, the cookies tasted great. Alas, they were only about a millimeter thick, but they were very yummy :-/ So I figured I needed to adjust my recipe; maybe add more flour so it wouldn’t spread out so much in the oven. This has happened to me before, though never to such an extreme. I make good oatmeal cookies, but I’ve never made a batch of chocolate chip cookies I was proud of… Meanwhile, I happened across a chocolate chip cookie recipe online that claimed to be for Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies, written by the folks who made my favorite cookbook (thanks Grandma!). Naturally, I had to try it! Holy moly, I’ve finally made thick, chewy, delicious cookies!!!

The recipe only makes about 20 cookies, so I’ll need to make another batch (or two…) so I can bring some cookies to school to share with all the people who helped me get my oven πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Meanwhile, I suggest you click on the Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies and give them a try yourself πŸ™‚

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