Today I found mushroom soup in the store. This is a big deal, because Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom soup was at the top of my “American Products” wishlist. However, one of my co-workers told me that a local convenience store had Campbells, and another mentioned, “Don’t waste too much money — they have packages of mushroom soup mix here that are pretty good.” So I went to the convenience store armed with my iPod, and played pictionary/charades with the sales clerk. Drawing with my fat finger on an iPod touch is not an exercise in precision, but it’s a lot better than nothing!
Saturday we’re walking to school at 6am to hop on a bus to Haley’s soccer tournament. After she plays soccer all day, we’re going to hop in Ivy’s car (she’s driving rather than riding in the bus) and we’re driving up to Seoul for the rest of our 3 day weekend 🙂 So I’ll be able to pick up my garb etc that is cluttering up some nice person’s house and meet the SCA people I’ve been corresponding with.
Hopefully while we’re up there I can find a cell phone company that is used to dealing with foreigners so I can arrange to get an iPhone 5 when they come out!
Meanwhile, I have to do this weekend’s lesson planning tonight and tomorrow, since I won’t be around to do it this weekend…