The River by our Apartment

Our apartment building is part of a complex of apartment buildings. They are grouped around two open areas in which the garbage and recycling are kept. Our apartment building is very near the main road. If we walk away from the main road, past the other buildings, we arrive at a nice walking path by the river.
First we walk down a staircase.
Then down a ramp to the river path. Under the bridge it’s nice and shady. They have a neat stone path with lots of different textures. You’re supposed to take off your shoes and walk on it, to self-administer a kind of acupressure on your feet.
Most of the little kids and their moms and grandmas hang out under the bridge, to hide from the sun. (Koreans really don’t like sunburns or suntans.)
This is the view from across the river; the stepping stones are really pretty 🙂
None of the kids wear swimsuits; they’re all swimming in shorts and t-shirts. Haley decided, “When in Rome…”

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