
I’ve been having trouble with money here in Korea — I have (hopefully) enough money in my checking account, but that’s back in the US and none of the ATM machines here seem to want to talk to my bank back home. I was down to less than $1 in pocket change yesterday, when I got a tip about an ATM on the way home that works with foreign cards! So with Haley and Zoey in tow I headed to the Family Mart on the corner. All seemed to be going well, but then the ATM crashed! So no money for me 🙁 But this morning I stopped by the ATM again and this time I was able to withdraw $200. Such a relief to have money! Now I can buy bread and eggs and other groceries. At lunch I overheard my coworkers talking about going to CostCo this afternoon, and I asked if I could join them. Woohoo — CostCo trip! They told me that CostCo only takes cash or a Korean credit card. So I might want to withdraw some more money before heading down there — I’m not sure how much I’ll be buying, but it’s the only place I can buy a lot of American products.

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