Well, we managed to squeeze in a visit to the southern grandparents before leaving the country. Since Grandma Ruby was visiting Mom, that means we got to spend some time with 3 out of 4 grandparents — not bad given how far spread out our family is. We had a fun time; Megan came over to visit with her Grandma and Grandpa, and came over to bake with Great Grandma. Haley was really excited to hang out with her.
Grandma and Grandpa took us out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant, probably our last taste of Mexican food for quite a while. Good thing it was so tasty!
Then we had our usual right-before-we-leave-family-photo 🙂
Plus one of the grandparents, just for fun 🙂
I’ve always liked the view of the hills on the drive back 🙂
Haley decided to take my photo as we drove 🙂
We needed another duvet cover for Haley, so we stopped at Ikea on our way north. It was our first visit to Ikea, and we were impressed with our primo parking spot:
They had all kinds of false rooms set up so you could see how their products would look in real life.
And, of course, we *had* to take a photo after we crossed the Golden Gate Bridge!
Soon afterwards, it started to look a bit more like home: