Fireworks in Crescent City

We’ve lived in Crescent City for five years now, but had never made it to the annual 4th of July festivities. We’ve always been at West/An Tir War, which is way super awesome although we’d heard that the 4th of July was kind of a big deal in Crescent City. For the first time in forever, the event ended on the 4th of July so we got to come home and do fireworks. We had a barbecue with some friends and then drove over to beachfront park to watch the fireworks. *HOLY MOLY*! I guess people drive up to Oregon to buy the illegal fireworks, though a lot of them looked like they must be from Texas or something! First we watched the city’s official fireworks show, which lasted for half an hour. Then all these lunatics (who apparently have a lot of disposable income) set off *their* fireworks. I couldn’t believe the police didn’t come, but I guess they don’t enforce the fireworks laws here. They were setting off the big ones, the kind the city shoots out of a mortar for their fireworks show. Very impressive when viewed from 100 feet away rather than a couple of miles! Luckily the wind was blowing away from us… They were still setting them off at 10:30 when we left!

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