We went to our annual West/An Tir War the 4th of July weekend. We had a blast 🙂 I got to use my fantastic tent and rope beds for one last event before we store it for a couple of years. At this point, my SCA camping gear is a marvel of precision and beauty. No really! I keep the tent and beds in my little yellow trailer, so never have to worry about packing or unpacking them — I just make *very* sure my tent is dry before I pack it. The rest of our camping stuff lives in plastic tubs (the kind designed to hold sweaters under your bed). We store them in the garage, load them in the car when it’s time for a camping event, and then slide them under the rope beds when we set up camp. Now when it’s time for an event the only thing I have to worry about is my garb and food. The rest stays packed and ready 🙂