The best laid plans… So we wandered over to Lloyd Center, as planned. We arrived just at 10, when the public skating was beginning. Haley was really excited to go ice skating! I figured that I had a book in my backpack, so if I got bored I could entertain myself for a bit before we headed over to the water park.
In theory, we were going to hang out for a couple of hours. But when I suggested going to the water park, Haley begged to keep skating instead. So we ended up hanging out at the skating rink for 6 hours. I wandered over to a bookstore and bought myself another book to read!
Here’s what Haley looked like most of the time:
I helped her get out to the middle, and threatened to leave her stranded there. She was almost amused…
It helped that she met some friends who would have rescued her 🙂
Finally the rink kicked us out, and we went to explore the pirate store next door. It was pretty cool 🙂
Finally, here’s a little video of our awesome hostel room. We have our own little nook and an in room bathroom!