Elephant Snot

I’ve found a great recipe for hair gel. It’s organic, really easy to make, and the ingredients are cheap đŸ™‚ Well, the basic version is really cheap, and the ingredients for the enhanced version are cheap over time, though there’s an initial investment.

I call it elephant snot. This is due to the disgusting, egg white texture of the stuff. However, it looks fantastic on the hair đŸ™‚

1 cup water
4 tbsp whole flax seeds
1 tbsp jojoba oil
1/4 tsp grapefruit seed extract
1/2 tsp vitamin e
1/2 tsp vegetable glycerine
essential oils


Put the flax seeds in a sieve and rinse them well in the sink using cold water.

Put flax seeds and water in a pot on the stove.

Bring to a boil and let boil for 10 – 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Pour goop into a sieve over a bowl. Stir to help the snot flow through the seive. Dump the seeds in the trash.

Add jojoba oil, grapefruit seed extract (preservative), vitamin e (preservative), glycerine, and essential oil (to desired scent). Stir lots, with a whisking motion. (Why, yes, I suppose an actual whisk could be used!)

Gloop the snot into some kind of a container. Because of the grapefruit seed extract and the vitamin e, it should not need to be refrigerated…

The consistency is like snot or egg white. Very gross. I’m somewhat concerned it will separate into its oil & water parts later. However, it’s ridiculously cheap, eco-friendly, and everyone says good stuff about it…

Lots of people use straight up flax seed gel with none of the extras. Flax seeds cost $1.75 *per pound* in bulk at the health food store, so it’s hard to beat the price…

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