Yup, still sunny. I admit that all this sunshine is distinctly weird.
Trader Joe’s strikes again. I bought 3 whites and 3 reds:
$2.99 chilean chard
$8.99 bogle chard
$4.99 vermentino
$6.99 perrin reserve
$4.99 celier du rhone
$5.99 trentatare
Andrea bought 2 bottles of champagne. We opened the cheaper of the two this evening. It wasn’t bad at all, but for $5, it wasn’t enough better than Andre to justify the extra money.
Then we played miniature golf. Hilarious. Andrea and I ended up with the same score: 70. On a course where par is 54, it is pretty clear that neither of us will be rivaling Tiger any time soon. That was the first time Haley had played mini golf — she wanted us to play another game as soon as we were done!