Haley got back from her slumber party yesterday, and apparently didn’t sleep at all (at least that’s what she claims). She says that even after the other girls went to bed at 3, they snored so loudly they kept her awake. Who knows, it could even be true. So I fed her (the party was pretty last minute, and apparently they didn’t have enough food in the house for all the guests) and let her hang out for a bit watching Ghostbusters. We made a deal that when the movie was over she would wash her hair (it was crazy tangled though I swear it was brushed and braided before she left the house!). She got in the shower and about five minutes later I heard the water turn off. But she didn’t get out… I went to go check on her and found her lying in the tub trying to sleep. So I got her up and washed her hair and dried her off and sent her to bed. She made me promise to wake her up for dinner, because she was still hungry. But come dinner time, she couldn’t be budged. She did wake up very briefly around midnight, but I explained that it was the middle of the night and that she needed to wait till morning to eat. I woke her up this morning at 8:30 and after 17 1/2 hours of sleep, she’s in a much better frame of mind!
After breakfast we hopped in the car and drove out to Jed Smith campground. I parked the car and hauled our bikes off the back. We spent about an hour riding our bikes around the campground. This is a good place for a kid to practice because there’s very little traffic and the few cars are moving slowly. She was very intimidated by her new bike (between buying it and our adventure she’d managed to talk herself into being quite scared of it) but by the end of our hour she was comfortable with using the brakes to slow down (as opposed to just stopping) and had even learned how to shift gears 🙂 She still has some trouble getting started because she’s a little short for her bike, but I think that’ll get easier as she gets more confident.
Next we drove down to our favorite swimming hole and she changed into her swimsuit and played in the river. There were several groups there with young children, so Haley had some kids to play with. I sat on a very comfy rock and read and snoozed and hid from the sun. I let her swim for an hour and a half and then dragged her back on to dry land.
Now she’s back in the tub and she’s been there a while… But I can hear her splashing and playing with her toys. At some point she needs to wash her hair…