So on Thursday, Haley was invited to a slumber party Friday night. Last minute invitation. She was allowed to go, on the condition that she got her room clean first, which she did (more or less). During the cleaning we discovered that she had 2 copies of a book in the Pixie Hollow series. A whole series about all the faeries that live with Tinker Bell in Never Never Land. Very much a preadolescent girl thing. Convenient discovery, right before a birthday party! But then on Friday we couldn’t find it! So we looked and looked. The last place I’d seen it was in my room when she brought it to me to show that she had 2 copies. So I looked everywhere. Haley was convinced it had gotten under my bed somehow. (That was where I eventually found my iPod!) I was more skeptical, but after we’d looked everywhere else in my room, I lifted up my mattress to check. My pillow tumbled down, my laptop slid a couple of feet, my water bottle tipped over (no big deal — it was closed). And boy howdy did I have a lot of junk under my bed! But no faery books! So we looked and we looked, and finally, we found both copies sitting on her bookshelf. Aargh.
So we wrapped the presents and I dropped her off at her friend’s house. I was a free woman! So before I settled down with my dinner of cheerios, ramen, and champagne I thought I’d surf the net a bit. But for some reason my laptop wasn’t working. The power light was on, but the screen was black. I tried pushing buttons and clicking the trackpad… I looked down at the power cord: yup, it’s plugged i– And that’s when I found it. The puddle. Oh, I thought blankly, that water bottle wasn’t closed after all. Oh. Shit. Because my computer was sitting, plugged in, in a puddle of water. I unplugged it and yanked the battery. Water *ran* out of my computer when I tipped it over. So now it’s sitting, drying out. Much like Schroedinger’s cat, until I plug it in I can still pretend that everything’s going to be ok.
The webpages tend to recommend letting it sit for 72 hours to (hopefully) dry out completely before trying to turn it on — I guess that means I can keep hoping till Monday night :p
Oh Nox! We dropped our power box in a cup of water and had to get a new cord, but we haven't gotten the whole computer wet yet… I will hope for the best for you! We love you! -Katie, Destinee and Maddy