
This year, Haley was determined that she was going to be scary, and NOT CUTE. She pretty much recycled last year’s costume. “But it’s totally different, Mom. Last year I was the Spider Princess. This year I’m the Princess of the Dead!” My friend, Molly, came over and did our hair. If I were going to the prom, I would definitely be begging her to do my hair!

Here’s Haley’s hair before we sprayed the black and purple dye on it. It was so gorgeous I hated to color it!

Here’s a movie of Molly and Haley, after we colored her hair.

This was my costume. Much less impressive, but still cool šŸ™‚

We started trick or treating just as it was starting to get dark.

We later returned home and lit our pumpkins so trick or treaters could come to our house. Check out the wicked cool cat shadow behind the rats on my pumpkin!

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