Labor Day

I promised Haley that if she got her room clean,we would go to the river. Yay bribery — she got it clean! We went with some friends. Here are Haley, Sierra, Julie, and Sierra’s little sister. The girls spent the day catching crawdads and frogs.

Unfortunately, there were also snakes at the river. Huge vicious snakes! They must have been this big:

Although I promised a river trip, I am anti sun. It was too hot to wear my sweatshirt, so I hid as much of myself as possible under light towels for most of the time šŸ™‚

Finally we got to — er — had to leave for soccer practice. While the girls practiced, Cynthia and I walked a couple of blocks to the pier. It’s so beautiful here!

The pier is a great place to walk. On nice days there’s usually at least one amateur crab pot dangling off the end of the pier.

The view is great. This part of the sea wall is pretty neat looking šŸ™‚

Cynthia took my photo for me — proof I didn’t just download these photos from a National Geographic or something šŸ™‚

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