The Mighty Fava Bean

Today began with a 4 hour staff meeting. Blah. Unfortunately, most of what was covered really needed to be discussed, so I can’t even complain that much. Then I had a lunch meeting with Cindy M. Then I had a 45 minute AVID meeting, and then a partnership meeting. Yup… A whole day of meetings. But… the meetings were mostly productive. For example, during our lunch meeting Cindy & I went to the library and covered our new class sets of books with snazzy new covers and then hauled them back to our classrooms. Jeff gave me one of his old computers, so now my classroom has a Strawberry iMac as a student computer πŸ™‚ He might even end up giving me another, so then I’d have two student computers πŸ™‚

Haley and I joined the gym today. We’re going to try working out in the morning before school. We’ll see how that works out… But Haley really enjoys running, so I thought that the treadmill would be great for her. We have so much miserable weather (for weeks at a time!) that we can’t count on outdoor exercise.

On the way home we went grocery shopping, and we bought this funny thing that looked like a giant string bean. It turns out that it’s a fava bean. Tonight’s dinner was fish sticks, guacamole and chips, and a few raw fava beans each. They taste a lot like giant peas πŸ™‚

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