Wild Game Park

We drove home via Reedsport, even though it’s slower, so that we could stop by the Wild Game Park in Bandon, OR. It was a complete surprise for Haley. Since the entrance to the park is the back door of the gift shop, she didn’t know what it was until after I’d bought our tickets and we went on through! We had just enough time to see most everything.

Haley got to pet a ferret.

The lion’s coughing roar filled the park.

The lioness laid at her ease.

The leopards were beautiful.

There was a white tiger, just like Haley’s new stuffed animal.

We got to pet a lioness cub.

Haley got to meet 2 baby goats.

We also got to pet a baby panther,

and a baby lynx!

Then it was time to go, though we did feed the sheep/goats/llamas before we went. All in all the park was a blast! We made it home just before dark and actually unloaded & cleaned out the car before showering and hitting the sack. Tomorrow we’ll drive down to Eureka to pick up our cat from Mom’s house 🙂

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