So since we were down visiting the grandparents, I had to make a pilgrimage to Trader Joe’s. What a great store for a wine drinker! Since the grandparents live down in wine country, their Trader Joe’s has a bunch of great deals on great (and not so great) wine. Here’s what I picked up:
2 bottles of Blackthorn hard cider ($3 each), Coppola Rosso ($8), Beauzeaux Red Wine ($4), Oreana ? Red Table Wine ($7), Vino di Lino ($13), Trader Joe’s Coastal Sirah ($4), Honey Moon Viognier ($5), Sebastiani Chardonnay ($9).
Plus, Trader Joe’s sells this awesome reusable 6 pack wine back for people who buy too much booze. And let’s face it — this is a lot of booze for somebody whose wine cellar is a 9 bottle rack sitting on the garage floor *grin*
Anyhow, I think I’ll open a red and a white tonight to share with the grandparents, and cart the rest home 🙂