My friend, Robert, came to visit this last weekend. I dragged him out of the guest bed at the appalling hour of eight in the morning (on a Saturday, no less!) because he’d brought his armor up to fight with me. We didn’t last very long — about an hour into it, I cracked the tang of the cup hilt on his sword, so we had to quit. A good thing, too. My arms were about to fall off. Here’s a video of us fighting:
He’d hit me in the leg, so I was fighting from my knees. I managed to kill him in the end though! It was a fun hour of fighting, but this weekend warrior (litterally!) stuff is going to kill me! I didn’t feel it at the time, but two days later my back really started to hurt. However, I’ve gotten some stretches off the internet, and I’ve figured out that running on the elliptical runner really warms up my muscles and makes my back feel better. Damn, another good reason to exercise.